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The Latin American is one of the markets which has the highest growth perspectives in the world, therefore it´s really important to be present to take advantage of opportunities.

We are committed with the confidentiality and the effective closures of the deals and we believe that the challenge is to understand the sellers and buyers´ expectations to achieve benefits for both sides.

Frequent issues from the buyer´s perspective:

• Size of the targeted company: sales and temps
• Vertical markets with operations
• Positioning
• Fair Value
• Percentage of Shares to buy
• Strategy to grow: organic grow and/or M&A
• Gross Margin, EBITDA, Indirect costs
• Call option



Market Research:
Companies analysis in each country, with relevant information as Sales, Gross Margin, EBITDA, FTE, temps, sellers’ preferences, vertical markets with operations, etc.

Companies and Portfolios Valuation:
We analyze and determine the Fair Value of the portfolio or Company or Project, for decision making related to launch new projects, buy portfolios or companies, maximizing internal return rate.

Contract Aspects:
To close a deal we have to assess critical issues such as call and/or put options, management contract to previous owners and/or key managers, suppliers’ alliances, etc.

Merge process:
The buyer has to plan the landing in the company purchased appropriately, coordinating human resources policies, and operating, financial and legal issues. A Master plan identifying steps clearly to achieve goals and avoid deviations.


Process Review:
The market evolution impacts in different ways in companies’ processes: the regulations change, IT develops new tools, clients’ need more services, employees increase their skills, companies’ growth and shrink. These movements force the company to rethink processes to give clients the best services with attractive profitability. We add value in adapting processes meanwhile the buyers manage the new enterprise.

Compliance with local regulations:
We help to adjust procedures to current regulation in each country.

Reporting and Accounting standards:
To compare the companies’ financial information is necessary to adapt accounting to international accounting standards (USGaap or IFRS). Regarding reports (needed to have critical information on time to make decisions and plan the cash flows), we could also define which the strategic ones are.

Risk Management:
The key controls included in the principal processes of the Enterprise should be described and monitored. This allows adding improvements and achieves effectiveness of controls. .In addition, the Board has to analyze the main risks strategically, and assess the strategy on how to deal with them (take, treat, transfer or terminate) Is each payroll being invoiced to the clients?; is the company complying all the regulations?; is the company having financial reports on time?; who approves new clients´ commercial conditions?; how does the company define credit limit to the clients?

o Se están facturando todas las horas trabajadas por los empleados directos? Quién autoriza las notas de crédito?
o Se está cumpliendo con los convenios colectivos y la normativa impositiva y previsional vigente? Qué riesgos se están asumiendo por liquidar mal los impuestos o las cargas sociales?
o Cómo se eligen los proveedores? Quién autoriza las compras? Con qué criterios se estiman las provisiones de vacaciones y aguinaldo?
o Con el proceso de selección de los colaboradores vigente existen riesgos de denuncia por discriminación?
o Existe una adecuada planificación financiera? Podré afrontar los compromisos de pago en función de las cobranzas y el crecimiento esperado? Y si las ventas bajan un 20%?

We know different stages of maturity in companies of this industry, and we have tools to analyze and enhance in each step, with action plans and monitoring the process periodically.

We help companies to improve operations and avoid contingencies, increase profitability and show excellent results.